Authentic Artist Resources

Worship through service...


Service: Is it work or play? Ideally, how we spend our lives is a combination of both. If we’re operating in our strength areas, with the right mind and heart, there’s nothing better - we’re doing that for which we were designed - though it isn’t always easy. In fact, serving God can be opposed by others, our own hang-ups, or other forces. Here are some thoughts to help.

Drawing of Titanic with water line

Our service is the working out of that which God has worked in us. Much like a cruise ship, there is a lot that goes on “underwater” or below the surface.  And a healthy “underwater" life will allow a boat to operate well and move out of the harbor “above water.” 

A look under

A look above

Moving out

Once we get “out of the harbor” we begin to discover the adventure of serving others for Jesus’ sake and it’s incredibly life-giving! It’s also a battle - there are storms that arise and difficulties. But as we are faithful, God helps us grow and provides His grace to help us keep moving. We also find our relationship with God deepens and our intimate knowledge of Him motivates us to worship Him with even more passion and purpose. Service is not just about doing things for God, but also doing things with God - joining Him in His work of loving the world for Jesus' sake.


Ministries to consider partnering with:
  • Other para-church ministries - either for worship services or outreach
  • Bible study friends who are musicians - put a band together and play at coffee houses, restaurants, local events, outreaches
